Del 1: ATTACH™ Programmet

Learning the theory and practice for the ATTACH™ program: How to build healthy relationships through reflective function. This course has been translated into Danish.

ATTACH™ Part 1

The objective of this course is to prepare you to understand the ATTACH™ intervention so that you can deliver this program to mothers and their co-parenting support person in community agency settings or at home.

The ATTACH™ intervention can be used as an “add-on” program to existing parenting programs or as a “stand-alone” intervention.

In order to grasp the ATTACH™ intervention, background in Attachment Theory, Mentalization and Reflective Functioning (RF)/Parental Reflective Function (PRF) is necessary.

This course will:

  • Teach you about Mentalization, Reflective Functioning (RF) and Parental Reflective Function (PRF)
  • Expand on the Attachment Theory
  • Explain why Reflective Functioning matters for parent/child attachment
  • How to use the above concepts to deliver the ATTACH™ Intervention program

Course learning for this course will be delivered using these methods:

  • Written material
  • Instructor videos
  • Supporting documents
  • Practice questions with answers
  • Feedback from Instructors in the comment section

Course Curriculum

  Introduktion til ATTACH™ ved Dr. Martha Hart
Available in days
days after you enroll

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